s Graham Harwood

I like intriguing titles, quotes, books, statistics, good conversation, politics, policy, traveling, and thinking... I am currently studying information science at Cornell University. After that I am looking to work in data mining or natural language processing. I am intriued by problems of information. At the risk of sounding cliche wwe are living in an information age. There are a lot of obvious applications for this information. What I am looking for are more subtle areas of study. It is not so much the straight mathematics that are intriguing but the non-obvious feature that may provide a greater insight.

On a lighter note: I love trying new things in new places with new people. I would love to see more of the world and do more climbing, hiking, skiing, and sailing. I am currently a volunteer fireman with the Cayuga Heights Fire Department and brother of the Kappa Nu chapter of FIJI

As an aside, design and front end work are really not my thing. (Bootstrap FTW for this website) hence the simplicity of this site. I have the utmost respect for people who can do this well. I am just not one of them

In the past I have worked in matlab, java, python, R, C#, javascript, scala, and php either professionally or academically. I have also used VBA and worked with both RDBMS and Document Based Systems.